The Truth About Garibaldi

Story: The Face of the Enemy
Written By: J. Michael Straczynski
Season: 4

Garibaldi fulfills his promise to Edgars and gets Sheridan’s dad caught, and then lures Sheridan to Mars with a plan to save him.  Sheridan is quickly drugged by Garibaldi and then captured by EarthGov forces. Once imprisoned he is beaten and treated poorly. 
Garibaldi then learns what Edgars big plan is.  He has created a disease that will only affect Telepaths, he also has the antidote.  The disease is airborne and 100% effective, and if the telepaths miss one dose of their medicine, they will die.  Garibaldi then goes to a train and meets Bester, who then explains everything about Garibaldi’s condition, learns of the plan against telepaths, and then frees Garibaldi of his conditioning, letting him remember everything leading up to that moment. Essentially the plan was always to find out what the plan against telepaths may be, and Garibaldi’s conditioning was only subtle, they just enhanced his already prominent sense of suspicion, rebellion, and stubbornness, and it alienated him from his friends and made him resign and take on the job with Edgars...all so his subtle brainwashed mind could find the plans to destroy telepaths.

Ivanova plans to keep the campaign against Earth afloat, and has B5 security notified that if Garibaldi shows up on the station, he is to be shot on sight.  Garibaldi is being hailed a hero by Clark and ISN, his former girlfriend is missing, his employer and associate are now dead, and his captain is imprisoned with all of his friends hating his guts. Bester pretty much fucked Garibaldi’s life up hard.  

NEXT TIME: Breaking Sheridan
