A Trick of the Mind

Story: Spider in the Web
Written By: Lawrence G. DiTillio 
Season: 2

Talia is helping an old friend work out some kind of peaceful plan for Mars, which has long had revolutionary problems with Earth and stuff, but after a seemingly successful meeting Talia''s old friend is murdered right in front of her.  The murderer turns to her but backs off after she seems to get inside his head a little.
It turns out that this man is a supposedly dead "Free Mars" leader who may have been brought back to life as a cyborg by some kind of secret PsiCorp organization called Bureau 13 that may be secretly running missions.  Sort of like DS9's Section 31 (although let's not get into these shows having similarities, it gets people all worked up).

This was sort of a decent spy thriller episode, though I don't think I'm sold on the Talia Winters character...she is just a little too bland for me at this point.  Maybe she gets more meaty work in the future. This was clearly used as future set-up for something with her, as she seemed to hold back on info for Sheridan and knows that something creepy is going on with PsiCorp, though I thought that was obvious when they introduced Bester.  I guess they need to slowly unravel the organization for Talia.

I like this, but I find the main issue to be Talia as the lead character in a story, she's just too bland.

NEXT TIME: Londo's Wives
