The End of War

Story: Endgame
Written By: J. Michael Straczynski
Season: 4

Sheridan’s forces prepare for their final march on Earth. Franklin, Garibaldi, Lyta, and the Mars Resistance are on Mars ready to enact their part of the plan.  It turns out that the telepaths are being used to take down the Destroyers to make the path toward Earth easier. It is a sad decision to use these people, but as Franklin points out, they were destined for Death without Earth Resources anyhow.  Lyta awakens these telepaths and they disable the Destroyers.  Then Sheridan’s fleet heads in and disable the rest of the ships and head to Earth calling for the arrest of Clark.  Clark is a total pussy and kills himself rather than face the consequences of his nightmare state...but as a last resort before his death he turns the Earth defense grid in on itself. I guess he felt that if he cant have Earth, nobody can. Sheridan and company take out the Defense satellites, even with the help of some of those who were ready to fight Sheridan before.  Earth is saved, and Earth is finally free. 
Meanwhile, Marcus scans through Franklin’s medical logs to see if he can find a way to save Ivanova.  He thinks he has it, and he takes his White Star back to Babylon 5 to do it.  It’s using the life force machine that Sheridan used to save Garibaldi back in Season know that thing that will drain a person’s life force to save another person’s life?  With Susan practically near death, chances are Marcus won’t survive, unless Franklin can get back in time to stop him.  

Excellent episode that gives us that final big blow out between Sheridan and the Earth forces.  Lot’s of cool little tricks and maneuvers and an end that gives us happiness with the victory, yet sadness in what Marcus is trying to do for love.  

NEXT TIME: Repercussions and New Directions
