Vindrizi Parasites

Story: Exogenesis
Written By: J. Michael Straczynski
Season: 3

A man is found killed by a parasite of some kind, and Dr. Franklin is trying to figure out where it came from.  Meanwhile, Marcus goes looking for one of his Lurker contacts who he hasn’t seen in a while, and finds him acting strangely.  He asks Garibaldi for help, but he refuses, and then he goes to Dr. Franklin.  The two end up being captured by several Lurkers who are acting different, as they have all been overtaken by the parasites.  It turns out that the parasites aren’t latching on by force, but that all of these Lurkers volunteered, as they wanted to be a part of something bigger.  
A small B-story involves younger officer has been promoted to full lieutenant, and Sheridan asks Ivanova to discreetly inquire as to whether or not this young man should be involved in the Conspiracy of Light.  She asks him to coffee at her place, he thinks its a date, but once he gets there and they talk, she soon realizes he would not be suitable to join, and she sort of ends things.  It was nice to see them try to expand their council and fail, but it was a small story in the episode really.  

Decent, not anything terrible special or important to the major arcs, though it gave Marcus some nice character development. 

NEXT TIME: Evidence from a Dig
