The Markab Plague

Story: Confessions and Lamentations
Written By: J. Michael Straczynski
Season: 2

A fine episode that deals with a plague outbreak on a station that begins with an alien race called the Markab.  Due to religious/political reasons the Markab try to hide the disease at first, but then have to acknowledge how contagious and dangerous it is, and Franklin has to race against time before the disease can spread to other races.  
It stays on point, doesn’t bog us down with a pointless B-story (though there is a hint of Sheridan trying to befriend Delenn, which seems to be leading somewhere else), and it focuses on it’s main focus, which is this disease, how it spreads so fast, and the debilitating effects of trying to wish diseases aways and not dealing with the problems because they are taboo or people blame the wrong things.  

An excellent sci-fi drama with some genuine emotional moments.  

NEXT TIME: A Traitor in the Midst
