Knowledge Probe

Story: A Day in the Strife
Written By: J. Michael Straczynski
Season: 3

A probe comes to Babylon 5 and essentially asks them to answer several difficult knowledge questions within 24 hours, or get blown to hell.  Perfect way to start the day, right? The whole crew works hard to get all the answers in on time, while Dr. Franklin’s problem of taking too many stims is becoming more apparent.  It has been hinted that he might use them a little too often, but this episode directly showcases that he genuinely has a problem, and he is called out by Garibaldi.  It’s kind of nice to see a main character develop a genuine flaw such as drug addiction, I’m quite interested to see where this storyline heads.  
The B-plot involves the Centauri appointed Narn ambassador arriving on the station, and as requested by the Centauri, tries to get G’Kar to go home, to spare the families of his followers on the stations of punishment by the Centauri regime.  The Narn all struggle, first hating this Centauri appointed jerk, then fearing for their families, before rallying behind G’Kar and his (and their) original plan to start an uprising.  

In the end the probe is actually working in the reverse, if yo do come up with all the answers you will die...essentially stay dumber than us or perish.  Sheridan figures it out, basically risking all on a hunch.  Luckily it worked.  

NEXT TIME: Black Rose Killer
