In All the Empty Places

Story: Shadow Dancing
Written By: J. Michael Straczynski
Season: 3

Sheridan and Delenn are planning the first major attack on the Shadows.  They manage to get everyone who has signed up with them so far to contribute the ships they need, and they send Marcus and Ivanova ahead to scout things.  They find the Shadows, and are detected.  It’s really gripping right before Sheridan and all the ships show up, and then it is an excellent battle scene. 
Franklin is still on his walkabout, and he runs into some assholes beating up a guy, Franklin intervenes and gets stabbed, and even the guy he tried to help ditches him.  He is left, bleeding to death and on his own...and then he finally meets himself.  This scene in which Franklin sees himself and is learning things about himself he never wanted to know, how he runs away from all his problems and what not, is wonderfully intercut with the epic battle scene taking place between the Army of Light and the Shadows.  He battles himself, they battle the enemy.  It is really well edited.  

The shadows eventually retreat after being hit hard enough, though for every one ship the Shadows lost, two Army of Light ships were lost.  The ships return to B5 with their wounded, and MedLab is running into overdrive trying to help everyone, including Franklin.  Franklin kind of takes on the role of organizer for them, unofficiall, from a wheelchair.  He isn’t 100% yet, but Sheridan tells him that when he is, he can have his old job back.  Franklin accepts.  

The Sheridan goes off to do this Minbari thing, in which for a few days the female watches the male, if she likes what she sees, they become a full-on item, if she doesn’t she breaks it off.  Unfortunately sent from the Shadows themselves comes doom to this relationship.  They send something terrible that will be hard to deal with.  They send Sheridan’s dead wife Anna.  

NEXT TIME: Anna Sheridan
