Earth Takes a Side

Story: The Fall of Night
Written By: J. Michael Straczynski
Season: 2

The second season of Babylon 5 comes to an end with an escalation of all things.  Essentially the  Centauri have began to expand their war, now beginning to occupy planets of other non-aligned worlds beyond just Narn territory.  Two members from EarthGov’s Ministry of Peace come to the station to investigate the Centauri situation, and it seems to Sheridan and G’Kar that Earth may finally come down on the side of the Narn. 
Meanwhile, a Narn ship that has escaped Centauri capture arrives at Babylon 5 and asks for sanctuary. Sheridan grants this sanctuary, but is soon dismayed to find that Earth isn’t looking to fight the Centauri, but to join with them in a peaceful alliance.  Hoping that the Centauri will then pass over Earth in their path to domination.  

Yet another aspect of these Ministry of Peace folks showing up, is a guy who sort of heads this Night Watch organization that Zach Allen joined up with.  It was clear from the moment Night Watch was being first introduced (so subtle that I probably never mentioned it on here), that this was a shady operation.  It turns out it is like the Brownshirts for the Nazis.  They started quietly enough, just supposed to report things to the Government, but now these reports are supposed to be nyone saying anything that might seem slightly alternative to the President’s point of view.  And now Night Watch is beginning to act, taking away those who disagree.  EarthGov is fucking creepy.  

Essentially things come to a head when one of these Night Watch members overhear somethings in the C&C, and report it, which leads the Centauri finding out Sheridan has given help to this Narn ship.  The Centauri show up, Babylon 5 wishes to help this ship leave the neutral space, and the Centauri shoot first.  Babylon 5 responds, manages to safely escort the Narn ship out, but not before destroying the Centarui ship.  This leads to some complications in Earths peace talks, and causes a Centauri to plant a bomb on the train Sheridan is on (on his way to apologize for the incident no less).  

Kosh rescues Sheridan who jumps out, by turning into an angel or something, and the episode ends with plenty of foreboding for the future. The Centauri do expand their war, the EarthGov/Night Watch dictatorship expands it’s powers, and it appears that the war with the Shadows is close at hand.  

NEXT TIME: Season 2 Recap
