
Story: Comes the Inquisitor
Written By: J. Michael Straczynski
Season: 2

This is an interesting episode with a minor problem.  Essentially Kosh and the Vorlons want to prove that Delenn is the right person for the job of spiritually leading the Army of Light, and is doing it for the right reasons, so they send an inquisitor.  He essentially tortures her and tells her that she isn’t special, which is kind of a nuts, but it is interesting to watch.  The inquisitor, Sebastian, is creepily performed, and I liked him.  The story gets wrapped up by Sheridan trying to stop him, being tortured himself, and eventually the two proving their worthiness to the cause by admitting that they are in this cause for each other, nothing more...which is a fine answer to Sebastian.  
The smaller b-plot involves G’Kar trying to smuggle weapons onto the station in order to take back their homeworld, and having to regain the trust of his own people, because those left on the station are beginning to lose faith in him.  It is a fine story that picks up where the previous episode left the Narn and G’Kar, and has a fine resolution.  

Now for the minor problem of this episode.  The reveal that Sebastian was in fact, Jack the Ripper.  I’ve looked and seen Straczynski defend this to no end, he thinks its absolutely right because most people have the problem that it felt like a sci-fi cliche to bring in Jack the Ripper.  I don’t know if it is a cliche or not, I can only really think of one bad episode of TOS, but I know the reveal seemed kind of silly and lazy to me.  One of the defenses JMS gave for this thing was that in the TOS episode, it was the whole point, whereas in his episode it was just thrown in there.  It feels just thrown in there, and it feels like a “aren’t we clever” moment.  You aren’t THAT clever.  I actually would’ve preferred it to be left mysterious as to who Sebastian was.  

Maybe my quibble is pointless and maybe it really was the right creative decision, but I just found it to be silly and less dramatic than if a mysterious guy shows up and does this stuff and leaves...because then who was that guy? Could he return? That adds an original layer of creepiness to it.  At least for me.  

In the end I actually enjoyed this episode, despite my complaint of what felt like a goofy reveal.  

NEXT TIME: War Comes to Us All
