Dr. Hendricks

Story: Infection
Written By: J. Michael Straczynski
Season: 1

“Infection” is an episode I am pretty sure I have seen twice and yet I am absolutely sure I can barely remember it.  I can’t guarantee that I actually saw it in my first attempt through the first season, but I know I definitely did this second more determined time...and I honestly can’t remember much of what happens.  I even read a synopsis to jog my memory and I’m still sitting here trying to figure it out. 
I vaguely remember that it focused on Dr. Franklin...but that is really about it.  Definitely a forgettable episode, and from what I can see JMS himself wrote about it afterwards, I can see i probably wasn’t the strongest hour of the series.  So you can easily skip this completely forgettable entry.

NEXT TIME: Festival of Religions
