Garibaldi on Drazi

Story: The Ragged Edge
Written By: J. Michael Straczynski
Season: 5

Garibaldi is sent on a mission to Drazi to find a crashed pilot who may have info about who has been attacking ships.  The problem is that this pilot may be involved in smuggling stuff that has been banned b the Alliance, so it may be troublesome for both the pilot and the Drazi for this guy to talk.  Gairbaldi botches his mission pretty bad when he passes out drunk, his contact gets killed...he awakes to find a Drazi and get into a fight..then get into a scuffle with some hooded folks.  The mission is a failure and Garibaldi returns with nothing but a button that he got off one of the hooded figures.  
It is soon realized that the button is Centauri in origin when Londo recognizes it. Now they are certain the Centauri are for one reason or another behind the attacks on the Alliance, but they are also fairly sure that Londo is out of the loop with who is ordering the attacks, and that the reason Garibaldi was attacked was due to Londo unwittingly passing info.    

In two smaller plots we have G’Kar now being heralded as a religious leader when his Book of G’Kar is taken while he was gone, and copied by the Narn...he is now famous in a religious way, and has to come to terms with being a new kind of Narn leader, one that can help them turn from violence, and towards peace. The other smaller plot involves Franklin, who has been offered a position to replace Benjamin Kyle (the Station’s Doctor from the Pilot) as the head of Xenobiology Research on Earth at the beginning of the next year.  So Franklin is gearing up to leave the station.  

A good episode that finally furthers the sneak attacks on the alliance plot, which has been kind of taking a backseat to the Byron Telepath stuff up until now.  Now that that is all wrapped up, it is nice to move on and further a vastly more interesting plot least in my opinion.  That said, I already know that the next episode is a Psi Corps focused episode, and Bester’s last.  

NEXT TIME: Bester’s Final Episode
