Souls in a Globe

Story: Soul Hunter
Written By: J. Michael Straczynski
Season: 1

This is a weird one.  I like W. Morgan Shepherd, but he plays some weirdo alien guy who is immortal and supposedly steals the souls of folks that are dying.  I’s not a boring episode, it just wasn’t terribly interesting.  I think that from what I’ve seen so far and everything I’ve heard...that this show works best as a serial, one long storyline.  Why they started off with this monster/adventure/problem of the week format seems odd to me, but then again I have to remember when it was made...and at this time a continuous storyline was a rare thing, particularly of something syndicated like this. 
I don’t think this episode is terribly memorable, beyond the weirdo that Shepherd is playing, and beyod some little throwaway lines that pay off later (or just play a bigger part of the story later), and the introduction of Dr. Franklin (replacing the stiff doctor guy from the pilot), this isn’t really an important episode in the grand scheme of things.

NEXT TIME: Londo’s Stripper Girlfriend
